Monday, June 1, 2015

We live a life that is full of excitement and fun.  It's been that way for so long that I almost take it for granted.  In the last 3-4-5 years I've decided to get intentional about making that excitement and fun generate a future that we can live financially independent of jobs and work and other drags in life.

Karm's story is his forte in life.  He's used his story as a launching platform ever since his job was eliminated during the financial "meltdown" in 2008.  He's gotten advanced learning certifications, a Master's Degree, and built an international network around sharing his story with the world.  When we travel to speak and share Karm is treated like a rock star.  He's hosted, interviewed, and finds himself in many a crowd of people clamoring for more of what he has to share.

My forte in life is the ability to share in relationship; to generate relationships that generate mutually beneficial results.  I've created many a financially beneficial business partnerships and held them together through the meltdown. My career has soared and I've become known for my expertise and appreciated for my support of others.

Now the future is in the palms of our hands. And we are actually building a business of sorts around our given gifts.  We've traveled the world and know that we love to be in an adventure.  This is my blog to share that ongoing adventure with those I know, love, and admire.